Are our lake waters healthy?

Michigan remains the only state in the nation that doesn’t have a statewide septic code, which results in little to no regular inspection of septic systems in many parts of the state. According to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, 130,000 failing septic systems are leaking 30 million gallons of raw sewage into Michigan’s water every day. This results in alarming levels of harmful fecal bacteria and pathogens like E. coli in our lakes, rivers and streams. Failing septics release phosphorus and nitrogen found in human waste into our environment which fuels the growth of toxic and nuisance algae blooms. Failing septics are fouling our beaches and waters, leading to beach closures every summer, and endangering the health of Michiganders. In 2015, researchers from Michigan State University sampled 64 rivers in the Lower Peninsula and found E. coli from human waste in every river.
